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Five Ways To Get Through A Weight Loss Lull

Are you a person who has tried to lose weight? If so, you may have tried many ways to get rid of the extra pounds. You may have even had some success in your journey. Sometimes people experience rapid weight loss results initially, and then they go through a period of time where they do not lose or gain weight. This can be discouraging especially if you are following a weight loss plan or diet. There are some things that you can do to get through this lull period. 

Understand Why

The terminology used to describe the phenomenon of the body maintaining a consistent weight for weeks despite nutrition and exercise efforts lose weight is referred to as a plateau. During these periods, a person's body will need to adapt to the weight that has already been lost. Plateaus are usually temporary and resolve themselves, but during that time, people experiencing them may experience frustrating or depressing feelings. 

Things You Can Do to Stay Motivated

1. Consume at least 64 oz. of water every day. If you decide to drink more, be mindful of water intoxication, which is a potentially lethal condition that can develop if a person drinks too much water.  

2. Use the scale less often. Weighing yourself too often may cause feelings of failure to creep in especially if several days have gone by without any changes to your weight. You can resume your normal weigh-in schedule when the plateau subsides. 

3. Beware of negative thoughts and the temptation to indulge in foods that you are supposed to avoid. You can keep track of your thoughts, and catch possible food and drink issues by writing your thoughts and daily consumption in a journal. 

4. Stay active. Continue to exercise, but also get socially active during plateau episodes. Going out with friends to an event is ideal if you are extroverted. If you are an introvert, invite friends over to watch a movie, and prepare nutritious snacks or a meal. Friends can keep you motivated and become accountability partners during a plateau. 

5. Make appointments with healthcare professionals as needed. If the mental effects become too much for you to bear, your doctor may be able to refer you to a support group. One-on-one counseling is another option. Your medical weight loss doctor may also be able to update your treatment plan to include more rigorous exercise which can aid in boosting your metabolism. 

For further questions or more tips, contact a local weight loss clinic for help.
