4 Things You Need To Start Doing To Help Prevent Your Risk Of Cataracts
There are roughly 24 million individuals 40 years of age and older in America who develop cataracts. Then, by the time that the population reaches 70 years old, half of them have been diagnosed with the vision disorder. With cataracts affecting so many people, it is important to know how to prevent them and to keep your vision healthy. Here are four things you can do:
Switch That Cup of Coffee for a Glass of Orange Juice
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), your body doesn't don't make enough vitamin C. This means that you need to supply it with more so that your eyes can remain healthy. In fact, vitamin C plays an integral role in the prevention of cataracts. One study has shown that vitamin C has the potential of reducing your risk by as much as 64 percent over the course of 10 years. While you can take a vitamin C supplement, you should also consider getting vitamin C through foods and beverages. One way to do this is to switch your morning coffee for a glass of orange juice. Orange juice is filled with vitamin C. In eight fluid ounces of orange juice, you can get 124 mg of vitamin C. According to the AOA, this is over the average recommended daily dosage for both men (90 mg) and women (75 mg).
Snack on Some Bilberries
Bilberries are very similar to huckleberries and blueberries. Like blueberries and even blackberries, bilberries contain chemicals that give them their dark color. These chemicals have the ability to fight off inflammation. The flavonoids in bilberries have been found to be capable of fighting free radicals. One particular study, which was done on rats, has shown that bilberries has promise on preventing the development of both age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts.
Start Taking a Multivitamin
Many people choose to take a multivitamin to improve their health. Most individuals wouldn't think that it could help reduce their risk of getting cataracts, but one study shows that it can. The results of the study showed that individuals who took a vitamin E or a vitamin C supplement only did not have a decreased cataract risk.
Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly
Even if you do the things above, it is absolutely critical that you make regular appointments with your eye doctor and keep them. This should be a priority. Routine visits will give your eye doctor the opportunity to examine your eyes and look for any signs of problems and vision disorders, including cataracts. In many cases, early detection of issues can save your vision.