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What Everyone Needs to Know About Skin Issues & Cancer

If you have noticed skin irregularities, you may be wondering if you could be at risk for skin cancer. This is because most people do not want to think that they could ever have this type of skin condition. Perhaps you are a person who has just noticed an issue such as moles on your skin. You may want to know what to do. The following information can help you better understand why suspected skin cancer issues should not be treated as insignificant occurrences.


Cancer is a painful condition for many individuals who experience it. However, the early stages of cancer are not always painful. This is why some people do not realize that early stages of cancer are present. Pain can be experienced by people who have cancer that is advanced, but people who have signs of potential cancer should not assume that because they are not in pain their life is not in danger.

A Few Moles

Some people think that they must have a significant amount of moles on their bodies to warrant  skin cancer risks. Skin cancer can occur as a result of one single mole. This means that all moles should be treated as important. You should routinely look at your body to determine if you have more moles presenting themselves. If you do, there is a chance that there could be a serious issue causing the moles on your body to spread. 

Raised Spots on Skin

You have likely been told that raised moles are a concern. You may have never been told that raised spots on your skin are also a reason to be mindful. This is because cancer often presents itself in the form of tumors. This means that skin does not have to appear discolored for it to be cancerous. It is also worthy to note that raised portions of skin do not have to be hard or large. Tumors can start out small and metastasize to the point that they become life-threatening. 

A dermatologist is a good resource to use to determine if irregular skin conditions are cancerous or potentially cancerous.They can perform tests to determine your skin's health. They can also collect data from you to determine whether you are at risk. For example, the medical history information obtained during medical intake can help a dermatologist assess your risk for developing skin cancer and other types of skin disorders. 

To learn more, contact services like the Dermatology Surgery Center.
