Not Sure You Need It? How To Tell When You Need COVID-19 Testing
If you've been following the current health crisis, you might be confused about testing. Many people aren't sure whether they need to be tested or not. Unfortunately, the confusion about testing can increase your stress levels. It can also put those around you at risk, especially if you happen to be asymptomatic. That means, you're positive for the virus, but you're not showing any symptoms. If you're not sure you need to be tested, read the list provided below. If you fit into any of the categories listed here, visiting a COVID-19 testing location near you as soon as possible.
You've Been Sick
If you've been feeling under the weather, it's a good idea to be tested for COVID-19. In the early days of the pandemic, testing was recommended for anyone who was experiencing symptoms such as a fever, sore throat, or cough, or headache. But, as the virus has changed, so have the symptoms you need to watch for. In fact, the list has gotten longer. If you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, chills, muscle or body aches, congestion, or you've suffered a loss of smell or taste, it's time to be tested for COVID-19.
You're a Healthcare Worker
If you work in the healthcare field, you need to be tested for COVID-19. If you work in a hospital setting, you may already know that you need to be tested. But, if you work in a residential care facility, or an assisted living facility, you might not realize that COVID-19 testing is essential for you as well.
You're Scheduled for a Medical Procedure
If you're going in for a medical procedure, you're going to need a COVID-19 test. Most hospitals and surgical centers are requiring COVID-19 testing prior to any medical procedures. If you're going into the hospital for dental surgery, you'll also need to have a current COVID-19 test.
You're the Caregiver of a High-Risk Person
If you're the primary caregiver for someone who's in one of the high risk categories for COVID-19, it's important that you get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. This is especially important if you provide care for someone who is elderly or immuno-compromised. Getting your COVID-19 test will give you the peace of mind you need to care for your loved one.
You've Been Exposed to Someone Who Tested Positive
Finally, if you've been exposed to someone who's tested positive for the virus, you need to be tested right away. This is especially important if you were less than six feet away from the person for an extended period of time.
For more information, reach out to a local COVID-19 testing facility near you.