General Practice Doctor Or Pedatrician For Your Infant? Choose Wisely

If you are getting ready to have your first child and you haven't decided if you want to find a general practice doctor or a pediatric office for their primary care, consider a pediatric office. There are a variety of reasons why a pediatrician is best for your needs. You want to make sure that your child has the best care possible as they grow, and also that any complications are caught early. [Read More]

If You're A Man And 40, It's Time To Watch Out For Prostate Cancer

After age 40, men need to be concerned about prostate cancer. Signs of this disease show up in one out of seven men over the age of 40. Here is what you need to know about this disease and how to make sure it doesn't cut your life short. Prostate Cancer Displays Few Symptoms Regular screenings with your urologist are important to catch this disease because it can become severe before showing any symptoms. [Read More]

Why Choose A Family Owned Pharmacy Over A Chain Store?

Chain store pharmacies have some benefits, such as multiple locations, extended hours, and convenience store items that you can buy at the same location, which can save time in a frazzled society. However, the benefits of a family-owned pharmacy far outweigh the conveniences of a faceless and impersonal chain store. Examples include the following: Familiarity with their customers Many family-owned pharmacies have been in the same location for generations, and served the same families through the years. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Midwives

Finding out you are expecting a new bundle of joy can be one of the happiest times in your life. You probably have a million questions running through your mind right now about everything. Don't worry; that's completely normal. While many women opt for the typical obstetrician, many others are considering going with a midwife. If you are on the fence and not sure which one is the right one for you, here are a few things you need to know about midwives to help you make an informed decision. [Read More]