Hemorrhoid Treatments: What You Should Know

When it comes to non-life threatening medical conditions, few are more unpleasant to experience or discuss that hemorrhoids. Most people who are afflicted with these swollen, and possibly even protruding veins in the rectum and anus would prefer to suffer in silence than discuss their discomfort with their friends, family, or even their doctor. However, not speaking to a doctor is most definitely a mistake. You are not alone in your hemorrhoid suffering. [Read More]

Have Continual Fatigue? Learn Some Possible Causes

When you feel yourself beginning fatigue more often than not, you may not know what to do with yourself. After all, continually lacking energy makes it difficult for you to focus, work, or accomplish anything at all. All you want to do is rest and sleep, and you feel like you're wasting your time away needlessly. There are several reasons you may feel fatigued. The key is to find out your cause, so you can get treated and get to feeling better. [Read More]

Surprising Signs You May Need Glasses Or Contact Lenses

Very often, problems with a person's eyesight develop slowly and over time, which can make it difficult for someone to know when they need glasses or contact lenses. They may become accustomed to various challenges when it comes to focusing while reading or watching movies, and reason that as long as they can see traffic signals, their eyesight must be fine. However, getting glasses or contact lenses at the first sign of trouble can ensure that your sight is always at its best. [Read More]

Undoing Gravity: Reversing Your Elephant Body Appearance With Plastic Surgery

Living on Earth means you are constantly fighting gravity. Gravity holds you to the ground so that you do not go floating into outerspace, but it also pushes down on your flesh, causing it to sink southward. If the aging process did not deny you of muscle and skin tone, it is still likely that gravity would cause the flesh around your torso to sink to your knees in the same way an elephant's body does. [Read More]